

Catering fume detection

With the environmental protection department environmental supervision and law enforcement increasingly strict, for the catering industry of lampblack pollution increasing attention, no matter the size of restaurants, hotels, or factory canteens, are required to detect the extent of lampblack pollution, and to install lampblack filtration equipment, after installation to test whether to meet the emission standards. Tianjian Testing as a well-known third party environmental testing institutions, CMA approved projects as many as 3,000, in the forefront of the industry, can issue authoritative lampblack testing report. In the past three years, we have assisted Shenzhen Luohu District regulatory authorities to carry out lampblack supervision and testing on catering enterprises under their jurisdiction, which has been praised and recognized by regulatory authorities.

Monitoring basis:

GB 18483-2001 "Cooking fume Emission Standard";

SZDB/Z 254-2017 "Fume Emission Standard for Catering Industry" (Shenzhen Emission Standard);

GB/T 14654-1993 "Air quality determination of odor";

HJ/T 38-1999 "Determination of Total non-methane hydrocarbons in exhaust from stationary sources";

GB/T 16157-1996 "Determination of particulate matter in the exhaust of Fixed pollution sources and sampling method of gaseous pollutants";

HJ/T 373-2007 "Fixed Pollution Source Monitoring Quality Assurance and Quality control Technical specification".

Detection process:

Customer commissioned test "Field sampling" Laboratory test analysis "issued test report.

Report time:

The report shall be issued 7 working days after the completion of sampling.